Friday, 26 August 2011

Holiday Mood

Today is my last working day in this organisation and I will be off for 1 week before I start with the challenges.  Too sad leave all my beloved colleagues and bosses but I have to look forward to build my career.  I am going to miss all of you.

Selamat Hari Raya to all the muslim friends and Happy Birthday to Malaysia on 31st August 2011.  To those who balik kampung, berhati-hati di jalan raya.


  1. Wish you all the best for your new job.

    Happy long holidays and enjoy. Going anywhere?

  2. Thanks Annie Q
    Happy holiday to you and family !
    I am not going anywhere, will be at home to relax and spend time with my family. Will try out more new recipes too.
    Enjoy the holiday.
